Monday, January 26, 2009

this too shall pass

I dont even know what day it is honestly. I'm so disoriented and so far it's been one hell of a roller coaster. I'm so jetlagged and exhausted I can barely write this... but today and yesterday were really hard days. I miss home more than I ever thought i would. Actually, I miss having friends. I have Miriam, but the other people all know each other which makes it that much harder to break into the group. To quote Joni Michell, "you don't know what you've got till its gone." It's so true. I know that (well hope that) this experience is the life changing one they've been raving about, but I honestly have never felt this isolated in my life. I don't want you all to be worried about me or have a sob fest, but I thought I'd tell it like it is.. since this is my ups and downs of Israel. Anyways, It's insanely hard being away from home. I have realized how much I take things for granted, even the simple things like... friends?! (ha, funny.. but not so funny when you're chilling alone haha). Anyways, the best thing to keep in mind is "Gam Ze Ya'avor".. which in english means "this too shall pass." It's a reminder that when things are the worst of the worst (cough TRY '09 haha), those hard times will pass by soon enough, and that when you're on top of the world, it is important to cherish the moment because these times pass as well. SO moral of the story is: even though this is hell right now.. hopefully the hard times will pass. Oh, and I'm off to ride a camel and sleep in a Bedouin tent tomorrow. Let's cross our fingers I make it back in one piece. thank you and goodnight.


  1. after a good night's sleep you'll feel great. i always feel disappointed after an overnight flight but when i rest up and see the sunshine - its always sunny the next day - i'm in a good mood - usually.
    love and stuff, granpa don.

  2. You will end up making a lot of friends--because you are such a wonderful friend. You have always had many, many great and loyal friends because of what you offer to them. Those in Israel with you will come to see this, soon.

    Meanwhile, know that we miss you very much here and love you with all of our hearts.


  3. I know that you will be making some wonderful new friends. Dad is right. You know what it means to be a good friend to others so the people you are meeting will come to realize this.

    I remember being exhausted after such a long frlight. Try to get some sleep and the world will look better.

    Can you add my name to your blog people?

    I love you very much.


  4. Tanya,

    I am sending hugs and kisses.


  5. whoa, i can comment?
    this is anna, by the way.

    I just wanted to say, that yeah, that is a VERY good motto to come by. Don't worry about us back home though, because that's when you'll begin to shut down. You know you'll always have us back home no matter what, so step out of your comfort zone to make new friends in another country.
    to quote my best friend, eminem (hahaha i know..)
    Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity
    To seize everything you ever wanted-One moment
    Would you capture it or just let it slip?

    don't let it slip, because honestly, this is your shot

    I love you!

  6. Tanya:

    It is always hard when you go to a foreign country to live for an extended period of time. You are literally outside of your comfort zone, culturally speaking. But hang in there you will quickly adjust. And you will LOVE it. Enjoy!

    Uncle Jon and Aunt Betty
