Friday, February 13, 2009

Shabbat Shalom

I'm sitting in history and am soo ready for the weekend. I spent ALL day Wednesday in bed with my roommate sick. It was a cycle of sleep, tea, eating and some more sleep. At one point we got so bored we got up and swept the whole room, which is really disgusting and took out the garbage, which there was a lot of. I'd say the highlight of my day was when Claire brought us Oreos. We were THRILLED. Anyways, this Thursday we went to Park Canada and the Israel Museum. It wasn't my favorite Tiyul-- kind of dull. I'm still trying to figure out why the park is called Park Canada.. hello! This is Israel? Apparently they donated money or something. Anyways, it was a battle sight of the Macabbes but I was too distracted to really pay attention in ICC. The highlight of the Israel Museum was the "ahavah" sculpture which I remember posing on eight years ago with Rosa. This time, we all climbed on it and got screamed at by a museum guard. We made it in time for a few pictures before we scrambled off and avoided got eaten alive by the angry guard. I saw a few things that I remembered from my last trip to Israel at the museum. It was pretty interesting since not a lot of things here are that familiar from last time. Today I woke up feeling worse than I did yesterday. I took a Sudafed and now my nose is running like crazy. I already went through a toilet paper roll in two periods. Oh, I forgot. Shabbat here is amazing. During my first break I went to the little marketplace right by the Chava. It's filled with flowers to buy for shabbos and the bakery puts out all of its freshly baked pastries. I went with my friend Hanna who knows EVERYONE that works there. After saying hi to the falafel guys, the flower guy, and the pastry guys, we bought some sweets and coffee and ate in the center. It's so pleasant and everyone is in good spirits. It's so weird to hear people say shabbat shalom instead of have a good weekend or whatever.. I'm still getting used to it. I'm going to Maya's house in Nes Ziona again, just like last weekend. I'm looking forward to good food and hanging out with her friends again.. hopefully this time I'll get a little more sleep. I love Fridays here since we get a half day, and we leave for Tel Aviv at about 12:15... Still have to pack! What's new. Anyways, maybe I should attempt at actually listening in history. Everyone around me is on facebook. so distracting.. Shabbat Shalom!


  1. And Shabbat shalom to you, as well!


  2. I hope you are feeling better now.

